The Vader Ranger: Boots


Vader Ranger

Even sith lords need decent footwear, and a few options are available to us.

Vader's boots are leather and military in style, with a round W-toe. The shafts are high, covering almost the entire lower leg. The detail on the shaft isn't so important due to the shin guards due to cover them. Still, you should go for as featureless a pair as possible.

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From my favourite scene for Vader reference and a rare big-screen moment with Vader's boots.

It goes without saying - they need to be black. Comments from other Vader costumers suggest you must get a pair that your feet fit into easily. Even if you have no need to raise your height, cushion them with insoles. Remember you'll be wearing these for several hours and, once you're suited and booted, they're not easy to slip off for a quick break. If you're on a budget, you could get away with rubber or PVC boots, but they won't feel so good, look so good, last so long nor smell as good as a decent leather pair.

Who sells such things? Riding boots do the role justice. The price range is very wide, from amazingly cheap to spectacularly expensive. You can get them from equestrian supply stores. If you're shopping around for riding boots, familiarise yourself with terms associated with riding boots and what they mean. Some tall riding boots are as follows:

  • Field boots: Lace at the ankle, good in jumping disciplines. Vader doesn't do laces.
  • Dressage boots: Stiffer, and feature no laces. They are named after the discipline for which they are designed, and almost always black. Now from what I can tell, semi-dressage boots are slightly shorter, with less decoration and lean.
  • 'Hunt' boots: Mostly no difference, but often feature a decorative band at the top. You don't want anything getting in the way of, or damaging, those shin guards.
But, you don't have to go equestrian. Some other popular web resources for Vader boots include:
  • CA Boots: They have a couple of options specifically aimed at Imperial costumers.
  • Motor Cowboy: The name of this company does not give away a great range of their excellent prop replica footwears. Apart from Vader, they've got Jedi, James Dean, Neo, even Power Ranges... I guess the demand must be there. Anyway, they're an expensive option, but they'll make these boots to your measurements from top grade cow hide.
  • eBay: Of course, ebay can assist as well. German officer boots look very good as Vader clogs. Just remember that round W-toe.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. You could try army surplus shops, or costume stores, but where you go really depends on your budget. Just don't expect to have an outstanding looking suit if you don't splash out for it!

I wasn't going to settle for anything less than leather - and struck gold with a pair of semi-dressage riding boots, after a fair bit of hunting. Hunting for boots, that is!

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